Small Group Lessons - Book of John

Small Group Outline (John 1v1-18)

Small Group Outline – (John 1v19-51)

Small Group Outline – (John 2v1-11)

Small Group Outline – (John 3v1-21)

Small Group Outline – (John 3v22-36)

Small Group Outline – (John 4v1-26)

Small Group Outline – (John 4v27-42)

Small Group Outline – (John 4v43-54)

Small Group Outline – (John 5v1-15)

Small Group Outline – (John 5v16-30)

Small Group Outline – (John 5v31-47)

Small Group Outline – (John 6v1-15)

Small Group Outline – (John 6v14-21)

Small Group Outline – (John 6v22-70)

Small Group Outline – (John 7v1-53)

Small Group Lessons - Parables

Small Group Lessons - Daniel

Small Group Lessons - Commandments

Small Group Lessons - Sermon on the Mount

Personal Evangelism - Cycle Of Evangelism

The Cycle of Personal Evangelism – Worksheet

The Cycle Of Personal Evangelism – Answer Sheet

Personal Evangelism - General

15 Steps for Effective Witnessing

Assessing the Readiness of a Bible Student

Bible Marking Plan

Bible Study on Discipleship

Bible Study Progress Sheet

How to Approach Friends & Family with the Truth

How to Share Your Personal Testimony

Identifying My Field of Labour

Interest Record Form

Inviting Your Friends to Study

My Commitment to be a Disciple A4

My Interest List

My Personal Evangelism Ministry Log

Order of Bible Study Topics

Spiritual Gifts (Intro)

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Tips for Door-to-Door


Stewardship of Money – Part 1

Stewardship of Money – Part 2

Stewardship of Money – Part 3

Stewardship of Money – Part 4

The Christian and Gambling

Community Surveys

Survey Record Sheet

Community Religious Survey

Current News Questionnaire

Prophecy Survey

Extra Community Surveys

Bible Study – Visitation Record Form

Christian Lifestyle

Christian Dress and Adornment – Part 1

Christian Recreation

Clean vs Unclean Foods – Part 2

Wine in the Bible

Christian Spirituality

1a-Bible Reading Plan (Morning & Evening)

1b-52 Week Bible Reading Plan (Scripture Subdivision)

1c-Bible Reading Plan (Gen-Rev)

Christian Spirituality 1 – Intro

Christian Spirituality 2 – Bible study

Christian Spirituality 3 – Prayer

Christian Spirituality 4 – Meditation

Christian Spirituality 5 – Fasting

Christian Spirituality 6 – Scripture memorization

Preparing A Candidate For Baptism

Amazing Facts Baptism Card

Preparation-For-Baptism (EGW)

Preparing a Candidate for Baptism (Amazing Facts)

Evangelistic Campaign Resources

Baptism Day Checklist

Campaign Advertising Insights

Follow-up Work

How to do Campaign Visitation

Job Descriptions for a Major Bible Series

Seminar Checklist

Three Angels' Messages Worksheets

God’s Final Message – 1st Angel’s MessageĀ 

God’s Final Message – 2nd Angel’s Message

God’s Final Message – 3rd Angel’s Message Part 1

God’s Final Message – 3rd Angel’s Message Part 2

God’s Final Message – 3rd Angel’s Message Part 3

God’s Final Message – 3rd Angel’s Message Part 4

Doctrinal Downloads

Covenants – Old and New

Day of Delight Bible Study

Ernie Rex Vrae & Antwoorde Aangaande die Sabbat

Law – Part 1

Law – Part 2

Making Sabbath Special

Sabbath – Biblical Defence

Sabbath Observance Guidelines

Speaking in Tongues (Lowe)